Excellence in Advanced Analytics

In the era of Big Data, almost any organisation can make huge returns from applying advanced analytics to leverage their data assets.

The hype around Big Data Analytics, however, can lead to confusion, uncertainty, and unrealistic expectations. It is difficult for organisations to know how to get started with this technology; to select the right application areas for their business; to acquire the right skills, resources and infrastructure; to approach their analytical projects in ways that maximise success; and to ensure analytical results can be put to use to drive better outcomes and increased returns. 

Colin Shearer has been a pioneer and thought leader in advanced analytics for over 25 years. His experience ranges from successful start-ups and the creation of market-leading tools and technology, to worldwide executive roles with the largest vendors.

Today, Colin provides advice and assistance to end-user organisations and to vendors, helping them set their vision for Big Data and advanced analytics, plan and execute projects and initiatives, and integrate advanced analytics with their key business processes and the systems that support them to drive maximum ROI.